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Nasha Green Unpressed 1.2g Amarillo

A photograph of Nasha Green Unpressed 1.2g Amarillo

Cultivated by Sabertooth Farms nestled in the heart of Humboldt. Sabertooth Farms thrives as the first Envirocann-EnvirOganic Certified Farm. This idyllic location boasts warm, sun-soaked summers, unique diurnal temperature shifts, and ample winter rainfall, making it the perfect cradle for our premium, environmentally conscious farming practices.

This combination of Amarillo and Rollina showcases the feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and enhanced creativity. With tropical citrusy flavors and a hint of earthly undertones, this strain not only offers a delightful and flavorful smoking experience, but is also the perfect choice for unwinding after a hectic day or igniting inspiration for artistic endeavors.

Nasha's Green Label Hash is 1.2g of powdered hash packaged in a loose form straight from the drying process, that tends to melt and clump together if left at room temperature. It has a higher ratio of plant material to oil, similar to old-school hash. Commonly used to top bowls or added to joints for an added kick to your regular routine.

Ingredients: hash

  • Net contents: 1.2g
  • Potency: 60.80% THC*
  • Blend: Hybrid
  • Per case: 15